Post-processing challenge – Winner announcement
When we launched THIS CHALLENGE a couple of weeks ago,…
Edit our RAW file and you can win an annual subscription to Olympus Passion Magazine
For many, post-processing is an art itself, and where the…
My passion for long exposures
Hello! I’m Nijinsky Lacsamana, an engineering student and a photography…
How to edit your photos in 3 easy steps, using Capture One Pro and the Mastin Labs presets
This is a quick guide on how I use the…
Astrophotography with the Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II
“You can’t photograph the milky way with a micro four…
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Lightning in Iskenderun Bay – The story behind this image
Hello! My name is Dmitriy Makarov. I am from Latvia,…
Meghan McCabe – Olympus Ambassador from South Africa
Hello Meghan, thank you so much for all your availability…
Less is more – Lightweight and mobile with the Olympus XZ-2 and E-M5
Introduction Professionally I work in a creative field but around…
Premium/ Keeping photography fun and enjoyable
Travel Photography can be one of the most straightforward genres…
Premium/ The irreplaceable essence of Human Touch in Photography among the rise of AI
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has…