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  1. Michael Trank
    October 17, 2024 @ 16:35

    Weather sealing, OM1 sensor and menu system and USB-C charging would be my priorities. Buttons and dials are okay with me.


  2. Derrick
    October 17, 2024 @ 18:53

    I think to say the PenF fits in any pocket is a fantasy.


  3. Ben Taylor
    October 17, 2024 @ 19:53

    I agree with improved menu, USB-C charging, improved sensor, better AF consisting of “contrast” and “phase” capability. Leave the buttons and dials accessing unique features alone, but improve the tactile quality of same. Can’t think of anything else,.., except, maybe better video.


  4. Steve
    October 17, 2024 @ 20:45

    I like it the way it is. For forty years I never had a weather sealed camera & it never stopped me taking pictures.


  5. George Bowron
    October 18, 2024 @ 01:59

    The front dial is unique and should be retained and important as the Pen F is a artsy camera. All of the computational features should be added as well as a serious update in multiple exposure options, one area Olympus has really fallen behind,,,and an area where some very interesting art is being produced.


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