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  1. Bob Southall
    February 18, 2022 @ 15:33

    Your images are inspirational! Thank you for sharing them.


    • Sam
      February 18, 2022 @ 16:56

      Thanks Bob for your kind words.


  2. Diane Navara
    February 18, 2022 @ 16:10

    Seeing these I realise just what can be achieved with the lens 25 mm 1:1.8 that I have on my EM mk 11. I hope I can do it justice, you certainly have.


    • Sam Thompson
      February 18, 2022 @ 16:59

      All the f/1.8 primes are fantastic lenses, Diane. I’d love to see what you have achieved with your 25mm. Please follow me on instagram and I will follow you back


  3. Giorgio
    February 18, 2022 @ 16:55

    Very impressive. Nice work !


    • Sam Thompson
      February 18, 2022 @ 17:00

      Many thanks, Giorgio.


  4. Kay
    February 18, 2022 @ 19:31

    Good photography and really interesting additional informations.


    • Sam
      February 19, 2022 @ 08:39

      Thank you, Kay.


  5. Pat Hambly
    February 18, 2022 @ 22:48

    What a great article, and very informative too. I, too, initially bought a PEN F because of its intrinsic beauty, even though I already had a EM1/1 and EM1/3. But in the same way that the EM’s speak “pro” in their appearance, the PEN F is much more approachable and less threatening or intrusive for street photography. It’s simply a joy to use, and you are correct in using the small primes with it; you are much more intimate with them.

    Well done, and beautiful work!!


    • Sam Thompson
      February 19, 2022 @ 14:08

      Thank you Pat,

      I think you are correct in saying that the use of the PEN-F in the street makes me blend in a little more than a larger form camera would do. I think that my two dogs are a great benefit too.


  6. Michael Gregory
    February 19, 2022 @ 09:49

    What a fantastic article. Really encouraging that you using a lot of ‘non’ Pro lenses and getting amazing results. I love my Olympus kit – have the EM5iii and a similar assortment of lenses to yourself including the sublime 12-40mm f2.8 Pro. While I am sometimes tempted by higher end kit eg the 17mm f1.2 Pro or the 40-150mm f2.8 it is really encouraging to see what you have achieved with the other excellent Zuiko Premium lenses. Thanks for your inspirational post!


    • Sam Thompson
      February 19, 2022 @ 14:14

      Thank you for your generous response, Michael.

      The f/1.8 primes are fabulous little lenses and are a perfect match for the PEN-F. I carry the PEN-F and 5 lenses in a small bag when I go out to walk my dogs and know that this would be more difficult if the primes were the f/1.2 Pro lenses due to their size and weight so I have managed to resist them, so far!


  7. Jan
    February 23, 2022 @ 20:43

    Thank you for this very nice story.
    Reasons you use PEN-F is very similar to mine, even the lens are the same (except 8mm) 🙂
    What bag do you use that fit all that stuf in?


    • Sam Thompson
      February 27, 2022 @ 11:18

      Hi Jan,

      The 8mm has been taken out of the PEN-F kit bag and replaced with the 12mm f/2.

      The bag was bought from Amazon and is made by a company called GEM. I have the camera with lens in the middle and two lens stacked on top of each other at either end of the bag so 5 lenses and 1 body and a spare battery fits in 🙂


  8. Alexander
    March 3, 2022 @ 16:38

    Great story!
    I read it with pleasure.


    • Sam Thompson
      March 3, 2022 @ 16:52

      Thank you, Alexander. I’m pleased you enjoyed it.


  9. thegirlwholeftthefridgeopen
    March 13, 2022 @ 08:11

    So many beautiful samples from the Pen-F! I never saw any marketing for this camera so when I first heard about it was about when they stopped producing this camera which is really unfortunate! The Pen-F looks more elegant than the Fuji X100 series.

    With the OM-1 , it is heavily marketed for wildlife/adventure types, so I really hope that OM System will revive the Pen F with a Mark II version for street photographers with an upgraded sensor and possibly some kind of weather sealing.

    Thanks, Sam


  10. David Taylor
    March 14, 2022 @ 01:17

    Hey Alexander,

    I really enjoyed this article and especially your photography. You have a great eye for composition and black-and-white suits you very well. I also have the Pen F and sync along with you that maybe it is the most beautiful camera ever built with a possible exceptions of some of the Leica M series cameras. I love the 4/3 format and also on the Lumix G9 and the Olympus E M1 X, formerly the flagship camera of the Olympus line. What a camera! There is a movie called Guernsey that I have seen on Netflix. Is that your island where it was filmed? I would love to go there someday. I also owned three great cameras from the Fuji line, including 2X pro two cameras and the XH1. All these cameras are fabulous. All they need is a good photographer. That you are! Wishing you well during these dangerous and turbulent times! David Taylor, Chicago


  11. Dave
    December 12, 2023 @ 05:17

    Hey Sam, i just came across your post as i recently managed to snagged a nice almost mint Olympus pen f with the 17mm/f1.8. Your pics is stunning and truly inspiring and i should visit Guernsey some day seeing what you have got there. Could you share with me with the following:
    1. where did you get the hand held sling?
    2.with BLN1 out of production, what 3rd party battery have you tried that works well with the pen f?
    3. where do u store your pics – google drive ? In original quality
    4. recommend a website/book for those starting out



  12. Sam Thompson
    December 12, 2023 @ 13:04

    Hi Dave,

    The PEN-F and 17mm f/1.8 is a great combination. You shouldn’t regret your purchase.

    Many thanks for your kind words about the article.

    Responding to your questions:

    The wrist strap is from Amazon and costs around £10. It’s made from parachute cord.

    You can get BLN1 equivalents from Duracell. They have a website, Duracell-direct.

    I store all my raw pics on my Mac hard drive, backed up to an external hard drive and additionally backed up to a NAS. The edited and published photos (jpegs) are saved to the cloud.

    Best way to learn about your camera is to use it but a great fundamental grounding can be got from YouTube, search for Rob Trek and OEN-F and additionally for something to read, try searching for Robin Wong and PEN-F.

    Happy snapping,



  13. Dave
    December 12, 2023 @ 14:21

    Thanks Sam for your quick reply and advice. Appreciate it and looking forward to see more of your craft.


  14. Gary
    January 17, 2025 @ 10:35

    Great article. The Pen F, the camera i’ve never had but want. Still loving the EM1-Mk2 and i’ve had every lens Olympus produce but you can’t beat the 1.8 primes for size.
    Great set of images.


    • Sam Thompson
      January 17, 2025 @ 15:46

      Thank you, Gary. It’s good to know that people are still reading the article and getting useful information from it.

      I’ve seen some PEN-F available in the used equipment websites and find the prices for a mint copy very close to what the original price was.

      Thanks for your kind comments about the accompanying images.


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