Bird photography
My name is Marco Lazzarelli, and I live in Traversetolo, a town in the hills of Parma – Emilia Romagna, Italy. My hobbies are photography in nature, and trail and mountain running. I have always done aerobic sports from a young age, and I have a German Shepherd dog named Tara that follows me in all my passions.

In recent years I have been mainly dedicated to photographing birds and wildlife.
I started in the 90s, with my first SLR, a Pentax ME Super, with Velvia film for landscape photos in my countless excursions. Later I went to Nikon.

In 2005, in the transition to digital, I discovered Olympus with the legendary E-1, then E-3, and finally the E-5 and its magnificent Zuiko optics. I immediately found myself well because this system was always evolving, bringing important new features. Then, in 2012, I moved to the Micro 4/3 system with the Olympus OM-D E-M5.

Currently, I own an E-M1X and an E-M1II. Both are very capable, but the E-M1X is superior in all, with surprising new upgrades. I use it for 80% of my shots, and only in my fast hikes in the mountains, I prefer to use the E-MII being lighter but equally valid.

The advantages of the Micro 4/3 system are multiple — first, portability. But also image stabilisation and the possibility of live view in the EVF, to immediately see the image produced, with clean files both in Raw and in Jpeg. For that, just a little post-processing, using the Olympus Workspace, and I am pleased with it.

My current equipment:
E-M1Mark II
7-14mm f/2.8 Pro
9‑18mm f/4‑5.6
12-40mm f/2.8 Pro
40-150mm f/2.8 Pro
75‑300mm f/4.8‑6.7 II
25mm f/1.2 Pro
60mm f/2.8 Macro
300mm f/4 IS Pro
1.4x Teleconverter MC‑14
2x Teleconverter MC‑20

“My name is Marco Lazzarelli, and I live in Traversetolo, a town in the hills of Parma – Emilia Romagna, Italy. My hobbies are photography in nature, and trail and mountain running.”
Martin aj
June 2, 2020 @ 10:29
Splendid! Thank you for helpIng us discover passionate photographers from around the world.!