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  1. Mik Martin
    October 23, 2017 @ 22:01

    I really realy like this lens.
    What I do not like is lack of lens hood and the more than insane price tag it have.
    I miss the manual focus clutch
    The one I have has a very noisy apperture.

    But everything else I really love about this lens.


  2. Neftali Cano
    September 22, 2018 @ 16:30

    I had this lens , didn’t see its potential and then re purchased it….second hand with the Olympus lens hood. While I have the trinity of Pro zoom lenses for use, I save those for my landscape and event shooting. When it comes to street shooting, portraits and product and just wanting to downsize my form factors…I carry this awesome lens and a 17 mm f/1.8… making for perfect combo.


  3. Roland
    May 23, 2024 @ 14:47

    Just picked up a mint one for AUD$400. It’s the less desirable silver one…but I do not care about that. Should arrive early next week. I do like to look in from the outside, so this longer FL will help wirh my shooting style.


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