The Advantage of Compact Digital Cameras in Vlogging
Pocket cameras are not a new thing in photography, but every year we see a new generation of cameras which are smaller and at the same time packed with cool new features. In the era of mirrorless cameras, it’s really hard to complain about features that these cameras are offering, including improved autofocus system, different profile presets and most importantly small form factor which enables as to capture quality images in a more convenient way. But it worth mentioning that not all cameras are created equally, so It’ important to know which model to choose depending on the situation, in order to get a maximum result each time.
While a lot of people would assume that compact cameras only act as accessories during a shoot, they would be surprised to learn how useful they can be on its on as well. Especially when manually adjusting camera settings, which gives the photographers more control over their gear. In order to better determine the camera’s behavior and with the help of different presets easily get the look they need. Whether you’re shooting at night by candlelight or shooting sports events, you will always be able to get an incredible image. However, the most important factor with pocket cameras is that they give the sense of mobility and freedom while shooting outdoors.
Best Alternative for High-End DSLR Camera
Another great thing about compact camera, also known as vlogging camera for YouTube, is that they are great for enthusiast photographers who are on a budget. They are relatively inexpensive in comparison to other high-end cameras and sometimes they even cost less than used DSLR. This means that you don’t have to break the bank in order to get a decent product. In fact, you can get started for under $100. The Nikon Coolpix S220, Canon Powershot A480, and Panasonic Lumix LZ8 are just a few examples of low-cost point-and-shoot cameras which can be a perfect choice if you are just starting your YouTube channel or you need a super cheap camera for you project.
However, if you want to make sure that you get high-quality photos, then you have to make sure that you are familiar with all of the camera’s limitations before making your final decision. The best are those that feature auto exposure bracketing and manual modes. The drawback with these is that the slow frame rate won’t allow you to take action shots. Also, you won’t be able to get raw photos as well as full frame HD video footage. But you can always change the shutter speed and customize the exposure settings to achieve good image quality without upgrading your equipment.
There are several benefits of owning a compact camera:
Lightweight: First and foremost, they are extremely easy to carry around. Whether you’re taking photos or simply holding it, this camera just makes things easier. In comparison to heavy DSLR (with several lenses), the small size can make a huge difference when you have to shoot and move around all day.
Multi-purpose: They can also be used for several purposes because it suits any occasion and can help you to achieve any goal. Whether you are someone who wants to shoot professional HDR photos at sunset, family photos during the day or teach your young ones how to use a camera, these models can get the job done.
Inexpensive: You don’t have to spend a lot of money to buy an advanced compact camera. Although there are some models that are considered to be high-end, the starting price is relatively low in comparison to other digital cameras. No matter your price range, most people can find what they need.
Results: Many photographers assume that point-and-shoot cameras simply does not offer the quality they need. However, the fact is that compact cameras are more convenient and they have the best image quality considering their size.
Olympus PEN E-PL8: The Best Compact Camera for YouTube Vloggers
For the past two years, Olympus pen E-PL7 has been very popular among Youtube vloggers mainly for its crispy image quality and most recently, it’s successor, the E-PL8 was announced. Not only does this model offer improved functionality and more accessories, but its modern design is extremely eye-catching and provides all necessary tools needed to create a beautiful looking video even when shooting outside the studio and in low light conditions. Though it still offers the signature look of the PEN and E-PL7, now it’s also thinner and has a more sturdy grip. This model is also short so it fits more comfortably in your hand and the buttons on top have a modern look as well. At first glance, it’s easy to assume that the E-PL8 is an old, retro camera. However, upon closer inspection, you can see that it is a digital camera that was designed to capture high-quality images.
The manufacturers didn’t simply stop at the design, In addition to great form factor, the following mirrorless camera enables us to change and upgrade the lens. Which gives the photographers an incredible amount of freedom and ability to think outside of the box. Now it’s possible to shoot various images with different perspective without changing the camera. While we typically see this type of freedom with expensive SLR digital cameras we can see how significant mirrorless cameras have become to the photography industry.
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“My name is Martin Agger, and I’m an enthusiast photographer and YouTube addict. Photography has always been my passion but in recent years I started shooting videos and I found that it’s more than a hobby for me. I think that people, especially the young generation have more opportunities to be successful in their life because of the internet. Now it’s possible to share your perspective using different video-sharing and social networking sites and become famous almost instantly. All these factors play a huge role in our success, however, we still need some help to create something unique which is worth sharing.”